Our Mission
The Society for Sister Paula was established to recognize the lifetime services of Sister Paula in the pro-life movement. She dedicated her calling to the protection of life in all forms. Through her agencies, volunteers, and counseling she provided a means to protect life. She administered personal counseling led a series of public events and advocated legislation to support the pro-life movement.
From time immemorial life from beginning to end of life has been in jeopardy. In a godless society of egotistical vain materialism debating pro·choice legalization is an anathema to the creator.
She recognized segments of society either by culture and/or by law have not accepted the normal miracle of life’s process by intervening in the natural process of life.
Through Sister Paula’s advocacy and the power of her faith she saved countless lives and to that end Sister Paula represents the image of the pro-life movement. Sister Paula recognized many people in the pro-life movement but given her modesty, she did not ask to be recognized. It benefits us to distinguish her in her passing now to recognize her.
The Society for Sister Paula is reaching out for confirmation of her years of service to the pro-life movement. In her honor, a website, statute, odes, music, and biography are in process.
In loving memory,
Robert J. Barbera
The Dignity of Human Life
“From The American Patriot’s Bible”
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you ….” Jeremiah 1:5
Our Founding Fathers held to the biblical principal that human life is precious and created equal. In the Declaration of Independence, it is God the “Creator” who endowed every man, women, and child with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The signers called them self-evident truths. Each life has inherent dignity and matchless value, apparently from conception until death.
The Founders knew that if God the “Creator” is taken out of the national value system, our rights as citizens are no longer absolute and become subjects to the relative values of those who are in a position to make to make change the laws. In truth, we are no longer equal in value as people, and typically it is the weakest and most vulnerable members of society who are first to pay the price as others take the role of determining who are the first to pay the price as others take the role of degerming what rights we do and do not have. Universal moral laws that promote the good of all people and protect the innocent and vulnerable give way to the selfish pursuits of those who demand the moral license to do what they want.
The dignity of human life is not just a biblical principle it is a principle of a decent life. Every human being, born or unborn, deserves the equal protection of the law, and the value of life is not conditional upon its usefulness to others or to the state. Neither scientific progress nor the desire to help others can justify the sacrifice of human being’s life or inherent dignity, whether it takes the form of abortion, euthanasia, or any of the many new forms of biotechnology. We must reaffirm our steadfast determination to defend the sanctity of human life.”