The Gift of Life
From the autobiography of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia...
From the autobiography of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia upon hearing he is going to have his first child exclaimed, “I think my heart is going to burst”. From his exclamation, the joy of a life-giving force creating life is the most durable and loveable part of his life. Awareness of new life reproliferating is the fulfillment of our continuing existence and is woven into the fabric of society and yet there are unending conflicts. There are myriads of adversities challenging procreation.
Having a newborn child brings on a host of new priorities consuming time and energy. Relationships are strained and there is no tutorial to fully equip a parent to raise a baby. It takes love, courage, and fortitude. Sacrifices need to be met eliminating some luxuries, conveniences, and old relationships.
There is a reward in the natural feeling of fore-filling a responsibility by giving life. Somehow in our DNA having a child is our uppermost need in our marriage. Marriage in itself does not create a family until having a child which some couples accomplish at a heavy cost. Our existence is tested by the inadequacies of our society to live and thrive in peace. Conflicts of wars fought over territorial disputes to religious intolerance have destabilized countries. Disputes about personal interaction are unending causing inhumanity to humanity.
The alternative of not providing for the next generation brings on selfishness and the feeling of inadequacy resulting in loneliness. Substitutes such as caring for others or replacing activities outside the family do not fully compensate for your own family.
As the family develops and divides more families develop. The cycle is a never-ending progression of continuing life. We prepare our children to be productive and useful so they can become independent. It will be for them to live life as they will.
The gift of life is inherent in who we are and any destructive force killing life is against our nature. A man and woman coming together for a new life is a miracle. Our expectations of a new life through our design are not our choice. Each life has many facets to experience depending on the ability and passion to be talented, creative, or energetic.
Teenage Pregnancy
Telling teenagers to simply practice abstinence is not enough.
Telling teenagers to simply practice abstinence is not enough. According to the Office of Population Affairs (OASH), in 2020 just over 158,000 babies were born to females ages 15 – 19.
Most teen pregnancies are unintended. According to OASH the consequences of these pregnancies often include: the mothers being less likely to finish high school, more likely to need public assistance, more likely to have lower income as adults, more likely to have children to face challenges like the poorer quality of education as well as health and behavioral issues.
Planning for teenage abstinence is the best way to avoid teenage pregnancy, and most effectively started at the onset of puberty development. Teenagers are often not fully aware of the risks and consequences of becoming pregnant. At this early stage of development in a child’s life, practical physical and mental skills and strategies for practicing abstinence need to be understood. It should be noted that often female and male needs in this area are slightly different, and should be treated as such.
Sylvie Naar (Ph.D.), asserts that “The teenager is moving away from childish, emotional dependency on adults and portraying self-governing behavior. A core element in the journey to adulthood involves the attainment of autonomy. During this time young people establish their uniqueness from others, including new intestines, values, and goals.
To promote positive values and goals in teenagers, education is necessary. Parents and other mentors may need to take responsibility for moral guidelines due to the barrage of negative sexual influences from social media, and the hypersexualization of movies, television shows, songs, magazines, and other media. Parents should alert their children of the dangers of these negative influences as well as supply alternate family-friendly forms of entertainment that are appropriate to their age level. Support for building character and resilience to temptations and negative influences is important and should be encouraged in family life.
Teenagers are subjected to sexual urges due to bodily development experienced in puberty, which can be a challenge regarding abstinence. During this time, alternate pastimes are usual for developing teenagers, forming their characters while maintaining distance from sexual activity. These could include sports, dancing, education pursuits, musical, artistic, or other hobbies, volunteer or part-time work, or family responsibilities.
As teenagers mature, opportunities to responsibly mix with the opposite sex in a more intimate setting can further contribute to their growth and development. These include dancing, other special events such as concerts or dinners, fun and creative dates, activities in groups or with other couples as well as sharing stories and setting goals. Activities like these help offset unhealthy repressed desires while encouraging teenagers to respect each other’s boundaries. Group activities also encourage accountability among teens, and allow them to have something fruitful and productive to focus on.
Having a strong moral compass builds self-respect and a unique freedom for constructive behavior. This is especially true for teens, who must deal with peer pressure, influences from social media, and self-discovery. Waiting for the right time to have consensual sex does honor God, family, and their personhood. Temptations are a test of their character and if abused will never result in lasting satisfaction.
There are many trials for teenage girls as they mature and blossom into adulthood. Pressure from boys to be sexually active does not end well for either party, but girls can be especially negatively affected. Although many girls give in to sexual requests from boys to gain attention or affection, these same girls can be looked at as ‘loose’ and lose respect and attention. The girl is also often the one left to deal with the surprise and uncertainty, as well as negative stereotypes, that come with an unplanned pregnancy.
Since the sexual revolution, major progress has been in science and medicine to prevent pregnancy, making it easier for teenagers (and adults) to believe they can avoid the consequences of their actions. When this same science discovers methods and means to mutilate the body or abrogate moral and religious beliefs, its ethics should be called into question. This is the case with methods of contraception and abortion. The “right to choose” is a red herring. Sex is an inherently vulnerable and emotional act, involving the whole person. There is no way to make casual sex “safe”, and teenagers and parents should be educated on this fact to protect themselves and others, lead responsible lives, and better prepare themselves for their future.
Right’s of Passage: Past and Present
In the past when teenage boys and girls reached puberty
In the past when teenage boys and girls reached puberty, they felt social pressure from their peers to show they were mature by having sexual activity. If they were virgins, they were considered naive. Their self-esteem was heightened with bragging rights after a “conquest” with the other sex. Around the world, different times and cultures have different expectations.
Our Western cultural norms have changed over time. Not more than 100 years ago Chaperones or parents were expected to accompany teenage boys and girls when socializing. Quality dating required family background testing such as religious affiliation, social standards, economic class, and overall cultural status. Along the way, a slow decline in social values changed. Chaperone supervision and the lack of responsible parents contributed to the many factors regarding the sexual behavior of teenagers and young adults. While both parents were at work resulted in Latch Key Children created permissiveness for the young generation.
In the 1960s there was a series of rebellions brought on by war in Vietnam, economic upheavals, and the Sexual Revolution. Teenagers and young adults became “liberated” to carry on their own choices The contraceptive pill and other prophylactic devices become a new readily. The Rights of Passage became a thing of the past giving freedom to the younger generation to experience open sex at will. They are bomb barded with media exploiting erotic sexual content creating commercials stimulating sexual activity, and romantic books stimulating the senses.
Free unconditional sex makes a mockery of romance, marriage, and the Honey Moon. Now pledging marriage vows for better or worse, love, honor and obey are not honored. Social values of the couples from family development, to unconditional love for better or worse, are no longer valued.
As a result of the social changes, there is an obvious correlation between increased teenage sex behavior and pre-marital sexual behavior resulting in an increase in divorces, drugs, pregnancies, and abortions. We have been on a trajectory of “if it feels good, it must be good” but not really. We are more than just feelings. Feeling good never lasts long it requires more and more to feel good.
As ironic as it seems and hopeful, it is conceivable we could go full circle and return to new Rights of Passage, by respecting parents, selecting positive friendships, contributing to society, practicing religious study, and resisting urges brought on by puberty. Considering the tragedies of the Sex Revolution with increases in diseases, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, divorces, and broken families it is self-evident we can take a lesson from the past.
Hopefully, resisting the urges brought on by puberty abstinence will bring back the traditions of our forefathers not that the past generations did not have their problems.
Social norms must change through education providing informed constructive understanding with:
- a) reining in destructive healthy practices regarding sex,
- b) learning core values through religious practices,
- c) personal responsibility,
- d) family values.
We are God given to be equipped to know the essentials with common sense, and conscience and to know right from wrong. Every generation must learn from the past generations and appreciate no matter how conditions changed we have the same basic challenges we are tested on. When we abuse timed honored traditions, tragedy always follows. Not so amazing is when we go back to doing the right thing, we are better off.
Use of natural Family Planning (NFP)
A Multi-country survey of NFP Users from Us and Europe
Men Women Dilemma
Age of discernment
As a society, we are confronted with male and female roles. Relying on exceptions do not explain the best explanation for male /female roles. Even historically the history of interaction between men and women was not necessarily at its best. For thousands of years, men were perceived as dominant and women were perceived as submissive. Our culture is revolutionizing the dominant/submissive roles whereas men are becoming effeminate and women are becoming “liberated”. Barriers that set roles for men/women and families are realigning. There is a rational understanding of the power structure which’s now based on individual abilities.
For men to be only looked at as the breadwinner and heads of the house has become archaic. Likewise, women being only looked at as homemaker is also archaic. In our current time, children’s innocence is ignored. Advances in education for men, women, and children have equalized abilities to provide equal opportunity in virtually any area of the sciences/arts, or social interaction.
There are multiple confrontations in the family including absenteeism of fathers, women carrying on the burden of homemakers at home, and employment our-side the home. Children are separated from their parents and mature before the age of reasoning.
Technology has advanced what was formally considered women’s chores at home morphed into such things as readymade clothes instead of sewing, vacuuming instead of brooming, dishwashers instead hand washing, gas-burning stoves instead of wood-burning stoves, microwaves for fast cooking and readymade meals or eating at restaurants have released the burden for women.
Technology has lightened many of men’s burdens such as innovative tools and machines to process heavy materials, and manufacturing products. Special equipment for professionals to aid in their occupations such as the medical and engineering fields. Specialists in electrical, carpentry, and plumbing can be hired to service their craft.
Shorter hours at work, vacation, and retirement plans are typical. It is of little wonder our standard of living has had a dramatic impact. In less than one hundred years we have changed reality. Unheard-of developments in health remedies have lengthened average life. Nevertheless, for all our advancements age-old dilemmas still exist.
Recognition of male and female anatomy cannot be totally ignored, physicality does count. A woman can reach alto note and a man can reach bass. It is the blending of the voices that makes for a beautiful chore.
Another generalization sometimes stated is men and women are wired differently. The reaction or solution to a situation is processed differently. A man acts with impatience and forces a woman acts with patience and reason.
These two generalizations; mental and physical differences when balanced bring harmony. The old age concept of Yin and Yang is the balance of life. It is the two halves to complete the wholeness. Likewise, maintaining a progeny takes a blending of male and female.
Equal doesn’t necessarily mean fifty/fifty in all things rather but opportunity in some areas and responsibility in other areas. This is where the test of men and women are confronted to solve a relationship. Thoughtful communication between the two and testing the expectations before a conclusion is best finalized.
The question is, will the pendulum of equality realign men’s and women’s roles? Will women become masculine and will men become feminists? Will we become gender blindness or unisex? How will three thousand years of male and female identification be neutralized? Will we find the new normal to accept lesbian, homosexual, or transgender unabated and acceptable?
In past generations, the perception of unnatural laws of male/ female behavior was an anathema to the dignity of society. There is a reevaluation in our society formally unnatural laws have become natural laws. Solutions for new directions of male/ female relationships will more than likely create new dilemmas. Status quo was not the best solution but the correction for rebalancing relationships is bringing about new dilemmas.
Our moral compass was based on the testaments of the church but now we have a society of unchurched. The government has embraced many roles formerly taken car care of by the family and extended family but can never adequately take the place of the church. There is evidence in our new social structure of fathers’ alienation of the family, mothers are left carrying multiple tasking. As a result, we now have a new drama unfolding whereby we have latched key children, more suicides, violent crimes, divorces, mental disorders, and drug culture.
On top of all this materialism has become more prevalent. The urge and need to have more with an insatiable lust to have something else to satisfy the new identity. All our material accumulation is short-lived to want more. The dilemma between men and women is a never-ending roller coaster until we come to accept who and what we are.
Going back to understanding the value of Yin-Yang. Wheat in the field is Yang, but once it is harvested, it becomes Yin. One can turn into the other, and the best thing in life lies at the confluence of the two.
There is a need for a renewed paradigm to counter the culture of separated family interaction. Excessive freedom without religious and social morality will heighten an already disruptive social structure leading to divorce, abortion, suicide, drug addiction, and crime in general.
Male Rights
The issue of abortion has been a controversial topic for many years...
The issue of abortion has been a controversial topic for many years, and it remains so to this day. One of the most contentious issues surrounding abortion is whether or not men should have the right to advocate against their partner getting an abortion.
Advocating against a partner’s decision to get an abortion may seem like a violation of a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body. However, it is essential to recognize that the decision to terminate a pregnancy is not solely a woman’s choice. It is a decision that affects both partners, and men have the right to express their views on the matter.
Men should have the right to advocate against their partner getting an abortion because it is their child too. It takes two people to create a baby, and both should have a say in what happens to it. While it is ultimately the woman’s decision whether or not to carry the baby to term, the man should have a say in whether or not the pregnancy is terminated.
Additionally, advocating against abortion is not an attack on women’s rights. It is merely a way for men to express their opinions and feelings on a matter that affects them as well. Men have a right to be involved in the decision-making process when it comes to their child’s future.
In conclusion, men should have the right to advocate against their partner getting an abortion. The decision to terminate a pregnancy is not just a woman’s choice; it affects both partners. While the final decision should rest with the woman, men should have a say in the matter and be allowed to express their views. It is essential to recognize that men’s involvement in this decision is not an attack on women’s rights but a way for both partners to have a say in what happens to their child.
The Dignity of Human Life
“From The American Patriot’s Bible”
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you ….” Jeremiah 1:5
Our Founding Fathers held to the biblical principle that human life is precious and created equal. In the Declaration of Independence, it is God the “Creator” who endowed every man, woman, and child with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The signers called them self-evident truths. Each life has inherent dignity and matchless value, apparently from conception until death.
The Founders knew that if God the “Creator” is taken out of the national value system, our rights as citizens are no longer absolute and become subjects to the relative values of those who are in a position to make change the laws. In truth, we are no longer equal in value as people, and typically it is the weakest and most vulnerable members of society who are first to pay the price as others take the role of determining who are the first to pay the price as others take the role of degerming what rights we do and do not have. Universal moral laws that promote the good of all people and protect the innocent and vulnerable give way to the selfish pursuits of those who demand the moral license to do what they want.
The dignity of human life is not just a biblical principle it is a principle of a decent life. Every human being, born or unborn, deserves equal protection of the law, and the value of life is not conditional upon its usefulness to others or to the state. Neither scientific progress nor the desire to help others can justify the sacrifice of a human being’s life or inherent dignity, whether it takes the form of abortion, euthanasia, or any of the many new forms of biotechnology. We must reaffirm our steadfast determination to defend the sanctity of human life.”
Our Body is Our Temple. As told by Robert Barbera
In 1963 my wife Bernice and I were expecting our second child...
In 1963 my wife Bernice and I were expecting our second child. The baby hemorrhaged in the womb during the sixth month of the pregnancy and died. When the doctor told me that they removed the child, he was matter-of-fact, cold, and seemed totally indifferent. I had no idea what happened to my baby and how or why he died. Bernice and I were devastated. Later, when we learned about how abortions are conducted, we were shaken and disgusted. Our little boy had been mangled in the removal from the womb.
Soon after Michael’s death, a sweet and gentle nun named Sister Paula came to our church to talk about the Pro-life movement. After listening to her presentation, we were convinced that she was full of Grace. Soon after, Bernice became involved in Sister Paula’s work, and I thought about ways I could become helpful using my business and organizational skills in the movement. I joined her group to help understand the subject of abortion and became involved in its anti-abortion movement.
In 1970 I was invited to meet with several other pro-life groups at a national convention held in Washington, D.C. to be a representative of our local group. At the conference, there were about ten participants from around the United States attending, and some came from other countries. I met a minister who was a member of a medical Eugenic society. We had a long discussion about the sanctity of the human body, a mutual subject of interest.
It was odd to hear this clergyman say, “What the scientist will conceive they will bring to reality”. I asked, “Do you mean that will include putting a tail on a human being?” He said, “Yes”. I left thinking that this was inconceivable and was convinced some of the things he proposed might never be possible. We would surely never cross the line as to something so abhorrent, – – – that was then; little did I suspect the worst was yet to come. The Covid pandemic proved that science could produce bizarre outcomes; things we cannot even imagine.
The Supreme Court decided on the famous Roe v. Wade decision to legalize abortion. The outcome was more than 50 million abortions were performed. A pregnant woman, Norma Mc Corvey, named “Roe” to protect her identity, delivered a daughter. This was before the court legalized abortion. The daughter was given up for adoption and it was later discovered she married and became Mrs. Thornton. Mrs. Thornton became a Christian and joined the anti-abortion movement.
The original Court decision allowed abortion “On Demand” and one of its leaders Doctor Nathanson performed 5,000 abortions with his own hands. Finally, the doctor came to realize, after seeing an ultrasound screen of a baby in the womb opening its mouth that this was a live child. He shared the footage of the film known as “Silent Scream” with others. Subsequently, he had an awareness of what he was really doing, and he became a prominent representative of the Pro-life movement. Rev. Gerald E. Murray, a noted New York religious Catholic priest and commentator, stated, “Dr.Nathnson was a significant figure in the pro-life movement and exposed the deception of the pro-abortion movement”.
Saul Alinski, the Marxist Organizer wrote, “The end justifies almost any means.” Alinski said that truth and morality are relative. This was the way he saw abortion and society.
The Left did not get abortion on demand through the legislative process. It was achieved through judicial fiat in Roe v. Wade. Now that the Supreme Court might return the issue to the ballot, state by state, through the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, the Left is in a terrible uproar and resorting to tactics unworthy of a civilized society. The Alinski “Rules for Radicals” is being revisited by the Left and they intend to bring back abortion by any means.
Margaret Sanger was a woman who was one of the early pioneers of protecting so-called Women’s Rights. She was known as an ambitious feminist activist and racist. She considered eugenics as a way of eradicating or controlling the childbirth of unwanted segments of society. She felt that black people were not worthy of life. She was a convinced racist. Her theory of controlling the population went beyond her prejudices and eventually developed into millions of abortions in the United States from all races and religions. Consequently, many women who had their babies aborted through Sanger’s Planned Parenthood suffered from severe depression and remorse. One can only wonder what her thinking would be now. Probably no different as she was an ardent believer in abortion on demand.
There are those who still believe the unborn is just a fetus, a mere body of tissue that can be ripped from the womb and then treated as medical waste material. The pro-abortion mentality is based on multiple considerations, from too many children to provide for, having a child at the wrong time, rape, incest, and affordability. Killing the baby is their solution to these personal problems; morality is never considered in their decision. Preventing the possibility of having a baby through education, abstinence, family planning, and adoption, may solve the responsibility of preventing the need for an abortion, but these realities hardly are ever considered by these mothers or their pro-abortion counselors. They still refer to the unborn child as a fetus, making it more acceptable to them than “aborting a baby”. Shamefully, killing the baby even just shortly after birth is even acceptable to many abortionists. It is acceptable to kill a “fetus” -a blob of tissues that they consider not worthy of life.
The right to choose abortion is considered an important concept of freedom by many in our country. The end justifies the means. Even in a free society, we need rules. We need regulations governing driving, such as driver’s licenses, seat belts, and the need to obey the rules of the road. Some believe that people have a right to do whatever they want with the human body- after all, it is their body, so it is, to them, acceptable to influence its outcome and influence through surgery whether it is a male with female characteristics or a female with male characteristics. They believe that if the gender is wrong after birth, it can be changed without the parents’ consent. What was considered abhorrent is now considered routine, even though they will not accept that these surgical solutions like changing sex identity before adulthood and especially before puberty were once considered child abuse. Now it is an acceptable notion we can do anything we want with our bodies.
“Our Body is Our Temple” requires an understanding of God’s creation in His image. Aborting a baby, and altering the characteristics of a child’s sexual identity, are all means of human tampering with a God-given life.
We are tested with choices as we live our lives. Nowhere does God ever tell us that we should destroy an unwanted human life or tamper with the basic characteristics that are defined as human bodies. A new life, after conception, created by God is a Temple that should be safe from unscrupulous abortionists who feel that if it is acceptable to voters, it should be done regardless of the consequences.
Abortion Methods
Our web site Society for Sister Paula is about the beauty of life...
Nevertheless, there should be an explanation for killing a fetus which is also life.
The following surgical procedures are:
“Suction Aspiration”: The abortionist inserts a suction tube (similar to a vacuum hose with an extremely sharp end) into the mother’s womb. The suction and cutting edge dismember the baby while the hose sucks the body parts into the collection bottle
“Dilation and curettage”: The abortionist uses a loop-shaped knife to cut the baby into pieces and scrapes the uterine wall. Baby body parts were then removed and checked to make sure that no pieces were left in the womb.
“Dilation and extraction”: The abortionist reaches into the mother’s womb, grabs the baby’s feet with forceps, and pulls the baby’s feet with the forceps and pulls the baby out of the mother, except the head. The abortionist then jams a pair of scissors into the back of the baby’s head and spreads the scissors apart to make a hole in the babe’s skull. The abortionist removes the scissors and sticks a suction tube into the skull to suck the baby’s brain out the rest of the way.
“Dilation and evacuation”: The abortionist use forceps to grab the baby’s (arms and legs) and then tears the baby apart. The head must be crushed in order to remove it because the skull bone has hardened by the stage in the baby’s growth.
“Hysterotomy”: The abortionist makes an incision in the mother’s abdomen and removes the baby. The baby is then either placed to the side to die or is killed by the abortionist or nurse.
The following medical abortions are:
Mifepristone: Mifepristone blocks the hormone that helps develop the lining of the uterus during pregnancy. This lining is the source of nutrition and protection for a developing baby. The tiny boy or girl is starved to death, and then a second drug, misoprostol, causes contractions so that the baby is expelled from the womb.
Methotrexate: A highly toxic chemical methotrexate attacks and breaks down the bay’s fast-growing cells. It also attacks the life-support systems the baby needs to survive. When the system fails the baby dies. Misoprostol is then used to cause contractions and pushes the dead baby out of the womb.
Salt poisoning: The abortionist sticks a long needle into the mother’s womb. The needle contains salt which is then injected into the ammonitic fluid surrounding the baby. The baby breathes in, swallows the salt, and dies from salt poison, dehydration, brain hemorrhage, and convulsions.
Prostaglandins: Prostaglandin abortions involve the injection of naturally produced hormones into the amniotic sac, causing violent premature labor. During these convulsions, the baby is often crushed to death or is born too early to have any chance of surviving.
A Celebration - The Walk for Life, 2023
On January 22nd, people of all backgrounds flooded the Civic Center Square...
On January 22nd, people of all backgrounds flooded the Civic Center Square in San Francisco, preparing to march for the love of the unborn. College students, children, the elderly, all ages, and many cultures in their variety and beauty were represented and celebrated. However, they all had one thing in common. They were all pro-life.
The Walk for Life is an annual event in San Francisco, and an opportunity for those on the west coast to participate in a march similar to the major pro-life activist event, the March for Life in Washington D.C. Participants hold a rally in the Civic Center, then march through the streets of downtown San Francisco, ending at the Embarcadero Plaza.
The Walk is an incredible opportunity to show support for unborn children, as well as women who may be contemplating abortion, helping them realize that they are not alone, and have options besides ending a life. Beginning the walk, participants sang and chanted, ‘pro-woman, pro-life’, as a testament to this support. The National Anthem was added to the repertoire, representing how those who are pro-life stand with Americans past, present, and future, and that we are a society who wishes that future to be protected. For the participants themselves, walking with thousands who share your belief that life begins at conception and is worth protecting is also inspiring and encouraging for all, and an empowering experience in our very vocal ‘pro-choice’ culture.
The excitement and hope in the air of the Walk were palpable. This particular Walk was very special, as it is the first Walk for Life held since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June of last year. The participants chanted, “Ho ho, hey hey, Roe v. Wade went away” as an expression of this triumph, and the atmosphere was one of celebration.
A new wave of hope and encouragement was present not only among those participating in the Walk but also all of those who are pro-life today. The truth of the value of life and the necessity to protect that life from conception is legally being recognized in our country. The efforts of the pro-life movement and the support it gives to women are saving lives and reversing the tide of our laws and our culture. Life is precious. It begins at conception, and thus it should be valued, protected, and loved from conception. This truth, that all life, especially that of the unborn, is loved, was shown clearly at the Walk for Life. Thanks to those who participated, and all of those who are pro-life, this truth is being joyfully shown to our culture, and will hopefully one day penetrate the hearts of all.
The Beauty of Human Life By Peter Madrid
The beauty of human life is very blessed and precious...
The beauty of human life is very blessed and precious and sacred because God made us that way. I want to keep it” that way, I’m Peter Madrid and I’m living because of a choice. I was adopted and my birth mom could have made the choice to let me die. Instead, she made a choice and I am here talking to you today. I am glad she made the choice to let me have a life.
A choice is a choice no matter what, but some choices are better than others. I have the choice to lie, I have the choice to hate, and I have the choice to kill. I believe Our Lord sees choice in
abortion as very wrong. All of us can make the right choice. In my classroom on the bulletin board, it says, “Life is fragile, handle it with prayer.” We have choices. The choice is yours to do good or bad. I thank you all for listening.